How (and why) I’m Fasting Right Now

Today dives into how to eat, practically, in the modern world of abundance we live in, starting with my current strategy of eating: intermittent fasting.

Foods get demonized… low carb or low fat zealots dominate the internet.

Instead of ridding your diet of a certain macronutrient (carb, fat, or protein), it’s a better strategy to LEARN how and when you should eat, based on the context of your day:

How active are you?

How stressed are you?

What are your training/performance goals?

All the while being aware of your “default” eating habits. Intermittent fasting can be a great strategy for those who are “live to eat” types, as opposed to being an “eat to live” type.

Bring a pen and paper, this gets dense at certain points, but I always try and come back to delivering practical takeaways.